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Knowledge of good contraception is extremely essential throughout a woman’s lifetime, commencing at puberty until the menopause. Nothing is more distressing than an unwanted pregnancy as a result of not using appropriate contraception.
There are many different contraceptive methods available and each individual should select contraception according to their individual needs. Methods vary enormously ranging from natural methods of family planning, barrier methods, the contraceptive pills, patches, intra-uterine devices, implants, injections and sterilization.
An ideal contraceptive should be effective, safe, reversible, it should not require daily attention or frequent visits to a doctor or clinic and it should also have minimum complications. LARC (long acting reversible contraceptive) is a term used for reversible good contraception. All these methods have been very much discussed and are readily available, but at the end of the day it is down to the woman to choose which method of contraception would be best for her. A doctor with a special interest in this field can always guide such clients to achieve their ultimate goal.
Women nearing menopause should not think that they couldn’t get pregnant. In fact the two years following menopause, is very important as pregnancy can still occur due to sporadic ovulation.
There are specific contraceptive devices available for older women and again a doctor with experience in this particular area should be consulted to the correct guidance. Some new recent methods are new pills which have less side affects and are lower in strength. The new pills contain natural oestrogen, there are also transdermal patches and a vaginal ring. Other information is available from the family planning association (FPA) helpline.
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