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This is where women commence the menopause much before their actual biological menopause should commence. Women whose periods stop completely before the age of 40 are in this category. Due to some reason, the ovaries stop functioning and do not produce enough sexual hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These women are not only incapable of having children but they also suffer with terrible symptoms of menopause like hot flushes, sweats, depression, mood swings etc.
If these symptoms are not dealt with correctly or they do not receive oestrogen replacement treatment, this premature ovarian failure can cause long term effects of oestrogen deficiency resulting in osteoporosis. Therefore premature ovarian failure requires much information, counselling and help. Mrs Purkayastha is more than happy to see such patients at her consulting rooms at 132 Harley Street Clinic, where she is able to give the time to talk in detail about the cause and treatment with the appropriate counselling.
Mrs Purkaystha has many patients with premature ovarian failure and she also sees many patients with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) these women can be helped enormously with natural oestrogen mostly given by the transdermal route.
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