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We respect your privacy, confidentiality and choices.
We make sure that privacy and security are embedded in all our actions.
What personal information we (my secretary, receptionist, accounts and administration team) may collect from you and when: This information will be taken when you make a web enquiry or contact us via telephone or email.
Your personal information that we will collect are your name, e mail address, postal address, phone numbers (both landline and mobile) and insurance details if applicable at the time of booking your appointment with Mrs Sheela Purkayastha, Consultant Gynaecologist. We will also collect your GP details, your background referral details, the name and contact details of your next of kin. Mrs Sheela Purkayastha would also like to know your past physical and mental health historyand any treatment/s you received. Mrs Sheela Purkayastha will hold your medical notes including details of treatment/s you received from her and photographs where applicable. Your information will he held with the utmost care and confidentiality in accordance to the UK Data Protection act 2018 and UK Data protection law and with the guidance from her professional bodies, namely General Medical Council.
Who is the data controller and the data processor?
The data controller is Mrs Sheela Purkayastha, Consultant Gynaecologist who holds your personal details and her medical secretary, receptionist, accounts and administration team are the data processors.
Who shares your personal information with the data controller?
Your personal data may be shared with your GP and other relevant doctors and ancillary staff of the hospital] clinic, the medical secretary, receptionist, accounts and administration team for the purpose of your medical needs. For the purpose of billing your data will be fonvarded to our accounting agent and insurance companies.
Our commitments
We are committed to being open and transparent about how we use your personal data.
Your personal data will not be used in ways that we have not informed you previously or taken your consent.
Your role
New Privacy rules mean that YOU are in control of your data. We respect your rights and will always try to accommodate your request as far as possible in line with our legal and operational reSponsihilities. If for any reason you do not wish to agree with our Privacy Policy, we will be happy to remove your data from our records.
Your data will not be used for marketing purposes but will be stored in our office system indefinitely, as it may be required in the future.
As a data controller Mrs Sheela Purkayastha will address your complaint. You may take it further to a supervisory authority like ICO if at any time you are not satisfied
We would prefer to send your medical reports by post. If you would like us to communicate with. you by E-mail, your written consent is required. We will use the E-mail address you specify on your consent form and the E-mail will be sent encrypted.
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The contents on this site is for information only, and is not meant to substitute the advice of your own physician or other medical professional.